Adding products and protecting pages

MemberSpace makes it easy to sell digital products directly from your own website.

Once you've created your digital content (like a video or downloadable guide) and are ready to sell access to it, you'll add it as a "product" in your MemberSpace.

Your MemberSpace products protect specific pages on your website and/or provide access to specific links on an external website (e.g. a Canva template or virtual meeting link).

After adding a product, you'll then sell it (or grant free access to it) via your MemberSpace plans.

Adding a new product or editing an existing one

  1. In your MemberSpace, go to Products. If you're adding a new product, click Add Product.

    If you're editing an existing product, click Edit next to the product. Then, skip to step 4.

  2. Under What type of product are you selling?, select a product type from the dropdown.
  3. Then, give your product a name. Feel free to select a new emoji or remove it from your product title altogether. The emoji will appear next to the product name in your Member Menu.

  4. Next, select where your digital product lives. If the content is on your connected website, choose On my website. If your product lives elsewhere (e.g. templates in Canva, a group on social media, a virtual meeting link, etc.), choose An external link.

  5. Give your protected page or link a title. You can select a new emoji or remove it from the title.
  6. If you're protecting a page, simply enter the slug for the website page (e.g. /example-page). If you're protecting an external link, enter the complete URL (e.g.

    You can also protect pages en masse.

  7. Configure the remaining settings for the protected page or external link. Choose when access is available (e.g. immediately or drip access), and determine whether or not you'd like to include the page or link in your Member Menu.
  8. Repeat these steps to protect any additional pages or add additional external links to this product.
  9. If this is a new product, click Add Now at the bottom. If you're updating an existing product, click Update Now.

Now, when a non-member (or logged-out member) visits any of the protected pages within your product, they will see a popup asking them to log in or sign up:

Adding external links to a product allows you to easily share them with your customers via your Member Menu, helping streamline your content navigation. However, external links are not protected by MemberSpace (anyone with the link can access it).

If your customer has access to more than one product that includes the same page (like a member dashboard), and the page has different availability settings for each product (e.g. immediate access in one product vs. 7 days after signup in another), the customer will be given the soonest available access to the protected page.

Protecting pages within a product provides a basic layer of protection for your website content. If you'd like, you can add extra security to each of your protected pages.

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