How to install MemberSpace on Webflow

Installing MemberSpace on your site

  1. Copy the install code from your MemberSpace backend:

    If you're an Agency setting up a site for a client, or if you're re-installing MemberSpace on a site you previously connected, you can locate the install code here.

  2. Make sure you are logged into your Webflow backend (you'll need to be subscribed to any paid Webflow plan to install MemberSpace).
  3. In your Webflow backend, click Site settings in the top left corner menu:

  4. Click on Custom Code, then paste in what you copied and click Save:

    Don't forget to Publish your changes.

  5. Finally, go back to MemberSpace and click Verify Install:

    If MemberSpace is installed correctly, you'll see a green "Successfully Installed" message appear next to the Verify Install button.

    If MemberSpace is not installed correctly, you'll see a "Not installed yet" message. You may need to walk through the steps in this guide again to be sure the install code was successfully copied and pasted into the correct place in your website backend. 

  6. Once MemberSpace is successfully installed, people can visit your website and join your plans to get access to your products!
  7. To test this, you'll need to be on your live website (not the Webflow editor).

Once you successfully install MemberSpace, your Member Button will automatically display in the bottom right corner of all your website’s pages. If you'd like, you can customize or disable the Member Button.

Locating the install code in your MemberSpace backend

  1. In MemberSpace, click Customize > click Integrations > click Webflow
  2. Click the Copy button:

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